Policy AFFAIR in Islamic Governance

The executive training programme builds upon the Islamic Governance Conceptual Matrix, focusing primarily on policy. Policy analysis is the study and evaluation of the Advocation, Framing, Formulation, Adoption, Implementation, and the Review (i.e., AFFAIR) of a principle or course of action intended to achieve an organisation’s strategic objectives. The executive training is suitable for policy-makers with more than 5 years of working experience.

Level 1

Analysing and Framing Policy

In this foundational session, participants are introduced to what is ‘policy’, the types of policies, and how each policy mode contributes to the policy efficacy, validity, and relevance. Participants will review, with the analytical tools shared, a real-life policy’s public value in relation to its strategic objectives, and in consideration to its operational and socio-political feasibilities.

  • The societal landscape
  • Re-thinking strategic objectives: The Maqāṣid

Level 2

Formulating and Advocating Policy

This intermediary-level workshop proceeds from the learning themes introduced in Level One. The outcome of a policy review exercise reveals whether the existing policy should be revised or amended, extended, or revoked; a decision can only be made after careful analysis of the policy landscape. In this workshop, participants will evaluate policy in relation to the policy landscape, framed against the Maqāṣid of the Sharī’ah.

  • Strategic alignment & strategic balance
  • Balancing the political equation

Level 3

Implementing and Reviewing Policy

This advanced workshop looks at the shifting policy landscape, and the factors affecting the advocacy of policy and its processes of policy formulation and change. The shifting policy landscape also affects policy implementation and the challenge in achieving and maintaining strategic alignment, and balancing the interests of the various stakeholders.

  • Building a strategic plan
  • Reviewing the shifting landscape

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