
Published Papers

Digital Distortions: Building a Wise Nation to be Resilient against Misinformation. GAIA, Brunei.

(2024) Iznan Tarip

Theorizing Islamic Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Governance Perspective, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management

(2024) Siti Zulailah Abdullah & Iznan Tarip

Brunei Darussalam National Retirement Scheme: Achieving Sustainable Retirement Through Hybrid Retirement Plan. CSPS Strategy and Policy Journal, Vol. 11(2).

(2023) Iznan Tarip

Organizational Moral Learning by Spiritual Hearts: Explorative Cases from Brunei’s Public Sector, Asian Journal of Business Ethics

(2023) Iznan Tarip, & Zuraihi Ashari

Whole-of-Nation Moral Learning by Spiritual Hearts: A Case of Brunei’s Transformation to tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health

(2022) Norhazerah Baha & Iznan Tarip

Internalisation of Islam in Fashion practices amongst Muslim working women in Brunei Darussalam, Jurnal Islam Masyarakat Kontemporari, Penerbit Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

(2022) Norshanita Erni Haji Tarip & Iznan Tarip

Classroom Action Research for Teachers’ Professional Development, Teachers’ Day Conference E-Proceeding, Brunei.

(2021) Iznan Tarip, Nur Firdaus Abu Bakar, Zuraihi Ash’ari, Fatin Zulkifli, Muzhafar Marsidi

“Whole-of-nation Moral Learning by Spiritual Hearts:  A Case of Brunei’s Evolving Education System,” ADDIN, 15(1)

(2021) Iznan Tarip

Developing the Head, Heart and Hand Holistically Towards Achieving the Maqāṣid of the Sharī’ah: An Undergraduate Perspective,” Journal of Islamic Governance

(2020) Iznan Tarip

Organisational Moral Learning by Spiritual Hearts: A Synthesis of Organisational Learning, Islamic and Critical Realist Perspectives,’ Asian Journal of Business Ethics

(2020) Iznan Tarip & Nur Firdaus Abu Bakar

‘Al-Ghazali on the head, heart and hand tripartite, and its organisational implications’, International Journal of Umranic Studies, UNISSA, Brunei

(2020) Alawi Shahrin & Iznan Tarip

‘More Critical Thinkers for Islamic Governance,’ Thought Paper Series No. 2, Journal of Islamic Governance

(2019) Iznan Tarip

‘Darkness to Light’ in Islamic Corporate Governance’, Journal of Islamic Governance, 5(1)

(2019) Iznan Tarip

Organizational moral development: Insights from organisational learning & Islamic perspectives’, Journal of Business and Economic Analysis, 2(1), 36-57

(2018) Iznan Tarip

Wise Agents and Organisational Moral Learning”, Journal of Islamic Governance, 4(1).

Unpublished Papers

Proposal for RB’s Future, UBD

(2022) Iznan Tarip

‘Organisational Moral Learning in the Royal Brunei Police Force’, ILIA, UBD

(2022) Iznan Tarip

‘Transforming the Royal Brunei Police Force: An Islamic Governance Approach’, ILIA, UBD

(2018) Iznan Tarip & Amin Abdul Aziz

Youth Tackling Poverty, for the Youth Against Poverty Symposium 2018, Brunei

(2018) Iznan Tarip

‘The Role of SCOT in the Fulfilment of the Maqasid of the Shari’ah, unpublished document’, Brunei

Ongoing Projects

Islamic Governance Handbook and Textbook

Islamic Entrepreneurship in Different Contexts

Transforming Recidivist’s Hearts

Empowering Muallaf Community

Heart-centered Dialogue Approach

Islamic Youth Governance

Civilisational Moral Learning by Spiritual Hearts

Light & Darkness in Interior Design

Niqab Fashion

Shari’ah Law Implementation

Sustainability in Islamic Corporate Governance